Wednesday, June 13, 2007

amazing things

Tonighit's service is very hard to describe, not i a bad way, in a completely life-changing, world-rocking way. So much stuff went down during worship and altar call! Someone thats been having a hard time compltely broke free of what was binding her; to witness that and be a part of it was just awsome. I realized tonight that when you feel someones pain, relief, joy, etc. is when you really know your heart's in the right place, and that you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons. Does that makes sense? Anyways, i'm not saying any of this to make myself look cool or "expierienced" or whatever, i'm saying it just because i can't keep it to myself. We should all have that feeling, because what's inside of us and what goes on around us in church and navigate is so amazing, and changings so many lives that we need to share the great feelings! One more thing: during altar call i was praying for somebody and the Holy Spirit was able to work through me and minister to that person. They started crying, and i couldnt believe i(or really God) could have an impact on someone my own age! We really do have so much power in us , we just have to let ourselves go and let the Holy Spirit work through us and do what it needs to do! It's not about us or our feelings, it's about the person that we're ministering to's feelings, and their needs!
Okay, i'm not trying to preach to you or anything, and i hope this wasn't too cheesy for anyone who happens to read this...

Seriously now, you have the power, ability, and call to change the world...USE IT!

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