The other night at pathfinders was awesome. Victoria you did just a fantastic job! God is going to use you in BIG way! Celebrity night was cool. But the real reason i am posting is because pastor Tyler shaved his head! I have before and after pictures and during the process video. Check it out! Chase
Welcome to our blog! This blog is for the students of Navigate Summer Session 2007. These j-high students have made the committment to be connected and plugged into all that God is doing in their local church, Healing Place Church of Baton Rouge, LA. They are going to the next level in their life so that they can live the life that God has called them to live! Their mission is to stand up, stand out, and to change the World.
Go with the students as they take a faith journey this summer. Their destination: the heart of God! They will be challenged, trained and equipped to leave their legacy on this World!
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